Adding Custom Header to Servlet Request using Servlet Filter

Protobuf prototype on Mac (Mountain Lion)

Installing Mac Ports

Installing Protobuf

  • sudo port install protobuf-java

Protoc command path

  • /opt/local/bin/protoc

X11 Forwarding on Mountain Lion

X11 Forwarding on OS X 10.8.2 – Mountain Lion

Serializing POJO to XML/JSON using JAXB

Add “@XmlSeeAlso" annotation to remove the xml namespace, xmltype for printed for each xml tag


Adding JSON dependency to POM.XML

Adding filter to jaxrs – modifying / adding header to request

Jersey – RESTful service

Java, Maven, Eclipse, Servlet, Jersey and Jetty

I just want to create a simple maven project which can run a servlet and execute it under jetty server.

1. Creating a maven project of type web app

2. Set the project properties to ‘Dynamic Web Module’

3. Add the new file ‘servlet’ using file->new->other->web->servlet

4. Add run-jetty-run plugin.

5. Adding jersey to the integration